
  • Over 40 Years Experience Developing Software

    In both industry and our own companies we have been involved in the research and development of software for over 40 years. Our first company (Audlem Software Ltd) was formed in 2001 to develop software applications for external users as well as for internal use. ConversationalCRM Ltd (formerly Adara Pipeliner Ltd) was added alongside in 2009. The major projects have included:

    • HR-People – a comprehensive web-delivered HR Application
    • SABRe – a Salary and Bonus Review Module for HR-People
    • ConversationalCRM – a web-delivered, enterprise class CRM
    • listclean – a web-delivered data cleansing application

  • 2001 – 2002

    • Audlem Software Ltd founded
    • Implementing HTML parsing module for Forecast
    • Testing Vizzavi’s Alert’s System
    • Implementing a 3D presentation application for Electrikimage
  • 2005

    • Started implementing HR-People, a web-delivered Human Resource Management application
  • 2006 – 2007

    • Implemented School Rapport, a web-delivered school report application
    • Took over and enhanced a self-service Benefits web application
  • 2009

    • Started implementing Pipeliner a web-delivered CRM
    • Implemented SABRe, a Salary and Bonus Review module for HR-People
  • 2010

    • ConversationalCRM founded and Pipeliner becomes ConversationalCRM
  • 2013

    • ConversationalCRM Ltd becomes a Microsoft BizSpark Startup

listclean – a web-delivered data cleansing application, is implemented and goes live.

Our History In Details


Founded by Len Ford

  • Len-1-small

  • The Software Development Company, Audlem Software Ltd, was founded in 2001 by Len Ford with the intention of providing high-quality software applications on time and to budget.

As he had 15 years experience of using Microsoft Technologies, the company initially concentrated on projects using these technologies. However, over the succeeding years many more skills have been learned by the employees.


Developing Modules for Facilita

  • One of the first projects undertaken was to develop the HTML parsing engine for Facilita’s testing application Forecast. This project required learning new skills, QT, Perl and Python and was used to test Vizzavi’s new Alerts offering.


3D Visualisation for Electrikimage

  • EI4-audi

  • EI4-housegrow

  • A Windows application for presentations in 3D was developed for Electrikimage. This required Len to remember all his 3D transforms used when doing his D.Phil in Molecular Biophysics.


Developing a Human Resource Web Application

  • In 2005 we started developing HR-People for HR Solutions Limited. This was to become a comprehensive HR web-delivered application with modules for:

    • Employee records – with user customisable forms
    • Policy Management – with checking that the employees had agreed to the policy
    • Absence management – with the employees able to book holidays and record sicknesses
    • Employee contract management
    • A full sets of reports with an end-user report designer


School Rapport

  • In 2007 we took the framework from HR-People and developed a web application, School Rapport, for generating school reports from templates.



  • In 2009 we developed a module for HR-People, SABRe (Salaries And Bonuses Review) for Hendersons Global Investors. This module allows Henderson’s to:

    • Allocate salary, bonus and share pots down from board level down to individual managers.
    • Determine the salary increase for the year within their portion of the pot
    • Determine the bonus for the year
    • Determine the number of shares to allocate
    • The current allocations can be reviewed by higher level managers and rejected


Pipeliner -> ConversationalCRM

  • In 2009 we also started developing a web-delivered CRM called Pipeliner. This was to develop into the fully featured, enterprise class CRM called ConversationalCRM.